Network Vienna 1900 focuses on Klimt's family environment, the master's colleagues, his clients and his most important contemporaries. It also documents the places where Klimt worked, which are seen as the cradle of "Vienna 1900". Space is also given here to the places in Austria and abroad that inspired Klimt.


Vienna was one of the most important cultural and intellectual centers in Europe around 1900. In its cafés and salons, the most significant personalities on the contemporary artistic and cultural scene met to exchange ideas and to nurture and propagate modern ideologies. The intellectual and cultural environment of Modernism, with its upheavals and innovations, also had a formative influence on the oeuvre of Gustav Klimt.

38 Persons

Gustav Klimt in company in the garden of Villa Moll on the Hohe Warte, May 1905, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Bildarchiv und Grafiksammlung
© Picture Archives and Graphics Department, Austrian National Library

Peter Altenberg

Max Eisler

Sigmund Freud

Ludwig Hevesi

Emperor Francis Joseph I

Karl Kraus

Josef Lewinsky

Karl Lueger

Joseph August Lux

Only available in German

Alma Mahler-Werfel

Joseph Pembaur

Clara Pollaczek

Archduke Rainer

Felix Salten

Arthur Schnitzler

Franz Servaes

Only available in German

Adolf Wilbrandt

Berta Zuckerkandl

Available soon

Egon Friedell

Emma Bacher-Teschner

Available soon

Alban Berg

Available soon

Franz Blei

Available soon

Max Burckhard

Josef Maria Eder

Available soon

Alexander Girardi

Hugo Haberfeld

Available soon

Wilhelm Hartel

Hugo von Hofmannsthal

Available soon

Albert Ilg

Available soon

Carl Lützow

Available soon

Gustav Mahler

Available soon

Rosa Mayreder

Available soon

Max Reinhardt

Arthur Roessler

Available soon

Arthur Scala

Available soon

Katharina Schratt

Available soon

Arnold Schönberg

Available soon

Stefan Zweig